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Trustworthy and Professional Financial advice


Pension Consolidation


Do you have a number of frozen or paid up pensions with different companies? If so, you may wish to consider consolidating them into a single, more manageable and flexible plan. Each individual case is assessed separately before any recommendation is made.


Please note: We do not directly advise on the transfer of defined benefit (final salary) schemes.


What about once you retire


'Pensions Freedoms' now give pension savers in certain schemes flexible access to all or some of their pension savings after April 6th 2015. Annuity, Flexi-Access Drawdown, Uncrystallised Funds Pension Lump Sum, Longevity, Sustainability of fund, Investment considerations, Taxation Implications and Estate Planning are some of the main issues that need to be considered.


It's complex!




Whilst Shaun Start Financial Planning fully supports the rationale and ethos behind the government's new rules, we also believe that 'Guidance' may not go far enough for most people looking to take advantage of these new rules. We believe that full, Independent Advice should be sought before any action is undertaken. We will explain all the nuances and considerations of the new rules and will offer strategic planning advice and, importantly, we will only act in the best interests of each client.


Contact us now to enquire further.


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Principal: Shaun Start.

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Pensions: Clients

01327 261221

The guidance and / or advice contained within this website are subject to the UK regulatory regime, and are therefore targeted at consumers based in the UK.

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